
What is Group Spiritual Direction?

Group spiritual direction is a gathering of a consistent group with the purpose of encouraging a deeper awareness and experience of God personally and in one another.  Through a structured process facilitated by an experienced spiritual director, members learn to listen spiritually and ask questions, make observations and offerings that help deepen the awareness and movement of God for each person. 

Julian of Norwich, 13th century mystic and spiritual director said, “I look at God, I look at you, and I keep on looking at God.” Through the process of alternating silence and speaking the group practices keeping their gaze on God while looking at each person and holding their sharing. Through this discipline of prayer and holding, spiritual friendship is formed. 

Book reference: Dougherty, Rose Mary. Group Spiritual Direction: Community for Discernment. (Book and Video). NY: Paulist Press.

Forming a Group

Groups are generally made up of four people. A person can come in with a group of people they already are connected with (friends, church or community members) or may want to join a group that is forming.

I am also open to training people to facilitate their own spiritual direction groups or facilitating a one-time spiritual direction group event that includes one or more individual groups. 

Free Consultation: I am happy to have a conversation about any ideas regarding forming a group for spiritual direction or the possibilities in making space for deep, spiritual conversation.

Financial Cost

For a two-hour group spiritual direction meeting, I suggest a total of $200 per session.